Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter Jam and an Awesome Weekend

The concert was so AWESOME!!!!!!!! Me and Emily got to have friends over to go to a concert in Charlottesville. I took my lifelong friend Sylvia and Emily brought her friend Kiara. We went with our youth group. We left at about 3:00 and got to Charlottesville at 4:00 and the doors opened at around 4:45. The line was really long when we got there, but our smart youth pastor cut in line. It took about 10 minutes to get to our seats once the doors opened. Plus we got really good seats, we were lucky, because once the concert started the whole John Paul Jones Arena was filled up! It was really fun to have Sylvia there! The groups playing were like Third Day, Newsboys, Newsong, 10th Avenue North, and some ones that were new. I liked Third Day the best. Everyone was dancing and clapping and singing so by the end everyone was whopped! Then Sylvia and Kiara spent the night and went to church with us! We had about an hour or 2 to rest after they left before play practice. I'm not in the play, but I am in charge of the costumes and props! I didn't do much except prompted people during the practice, but after I got all the costumes and props together and ended up staying until 7:00 when it was supposed to end at 5:30, but I like doing that kind of stuff so it was fun! And now I am really tired, but that is okay, because I was doing things I liked doing.

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