Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everything is Turning into SNOW!!!!

This is just outside our back porch!

We have got a ton of snow! I went out this morning and it was up past my knees! We had to make a path for Jessie to get from one porch to another because it is up to her head almost. I was IMing my friend and she said at there place it was up to their thighs and still snowing. We got to let Jessie in the house cause of the snow! Mom and Dad are walking over to Chad and Carmen's house (our neighbors) to get Anya who spent the night there after sledding! Here is just a few more pictures of the snow storm that is shattering records of snowfall.

These is our cars covered in snow!!

This is looking out right beside our barn.

This is the tree right by our front porch.

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