Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Bike to the Farmers Market and Back

We rode to the Farmers Market from our house. It was about 5 mile to get there. When we got there we locked up our bikes. We went through the different booths there was fresh produce, decorative gourds, pastries, candles, jewelry, perfumes. We had a limited amount money and space. We got 8 cookies from friends of mom and dad. They were Ginger Molasses and had candied ginger inside of it. Yum!!! We also got a couple heads of broccoli, because most of ours got eaten by worms! It was fun to see all the different backgrounds to where the food came from! On the way back we stopped into see mom she was on a break so it was a good time. We needed a break from the wind. On our way out from EMU we got to see one of our youth sponsors. Then we got home and didn't do much after that. But it was a great exersize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read 2 different accounts of the same event. I'm impressed with your bike ride. Sounds like you had a great time at your retreat. Grandma K