Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Birds and the BEES

Yesterday, our family went to a beekeepers house. We went with our cousins that live across the field. The man's name was Skip, and he has been keeping bees since he was a little boy, maybe 6 yrs. old (his Dad kept bees). He reminded me of David Kline (I mentioned him in one of my earlier posts.) We started of by talking about what we knew about bees, which is a big subject for him. He told us that last year he didn't get any honey because a disease swept through the hives. He was down to 4 hives last year and now because of swarming he has 12! Swarming is when the Queen Bee starts to slow down in her egg laying that half of the swarm leave the nest. They stay on a tree limb for 1 hr.- 3 or 4 days until they find a place to make a hive. He catches them and then he has another hive. Another cool thing that he told us that when the bees flap their wings with a little bit of water on them they make an air conditioner and in the winter they use their body heat, so that the hive stays about 92 degrees all year round. If your ever lookin to start bees thistles make the best honey! When we looked in the bee hives we got to see a started honey combs. Before we were able to look in the hives he got a smoker going, because the smoke helps to calm the bees. When he pulled out the file we could start to see where the foundation of the file but you could see their comb building up too. Then we got to see a comb that was filled with honey and capped. But if the queen bee has been busy then you can see larva and eggs. and sometime they have a cap on them too. The Queen lays starting in the middle and work to the out side. We got to see a queen ahe is longer and a tad fatter. We also got tto see a drone which is just fat and doesn't have a stinger! After looking at a couple different hives and asking questions and getting great answers, we finished up and headed to the house and was surprised with Lemonade and Graham Crackers. It was really fun!

OH yeah and we saw a barn swallow for the bird part.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Explorer Week with 7th Grade (EMHS)

Here is a picture of some of the kids and me at Jefferson Rock in Harper's Ferry.

This past week my dad and I went on Explorer Week with EMHS's 7th grade. My dad was driving the bus for them so I could come for his payment. I knew almost all the girls in the class from soccer and long-time (since 4 or 5 yrs. old) relationships. We went on the C & O Canal Trail to Harper's Ferry, Virginia. That was fun, but it was raining the whole time we were riding and at Harper's Ferry. So that took a lot of fun out of it. After that we went to the 4H center we would be staying for the next 2 days in Front Royal. I got to bunk with some of my best friends, Sylvia, Abby, Bailey and Sylvia's mom Lynette. When we got there everybody took a shower because we were soaked and covered in mud! It was very refreshing! Since it was rainy we had to move some things around. That night we had a talent show which was very fun to watch (hint: I didn't do anything) there was numerous people who played piano. Sylvia was one of them and did awesome. Sara and Kathryn played the piano as well (2 other girls I know from Weavers.) There was a improvisation skit that was pretty cool. One group did the game show A Minute to Win It. Then we watched a movie or play games till 10:30 and had to get to bed to rest up for a day in D.C.. The next day we kinda woke up at 7:00 had breakfast and headed to Washington D.C.. We went to a couple of museums and eat lunch at the old post office then went up to the top of the tower there. Which was really cool! After we got back on the bus and headed back. We played a game of capture the flag that people cheated in so wasnt as great as I thought. The next day we had a relaxed morning and then went to see the play Harvey at Wayside Theater. It was about a man who made big impacts on peoples live with his imaginary rabbit, I will let that speak for itself. Then we got lunch that the school payed for. WE went back to the 4-H center and then went on a hike. We headed home after that. I had a blast!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Play.....Song of Life

Well, it is finally over! This last Sunday our church put on the play "Song of Life." I am not really much of an actor, so I offered to help with the costumes and props and stuff like that. Emily was in it...... she was a Israelite, a Woman and an Angel. The play was only for Jr. High and up, so any Elementary School kids couldn't be in it. Every Sunday for the past 5 or 6 weeks I went to church at 3pm and usually left at about roughly 8 or 9pm. Plus 2 or 3 other times to just figure out some behind the scenes stuff. ( I end up staying to 10pm to my pleasure I love staying up late.) Jill the director, who is also our Sunday school teacher, was very fun to work with and I had a lot of fun. It was defiantly a lot of work, but I had fun with it. I like that kind of thing because you have a part in the play that is crucial, but you don't have to be up in front of people. We had a lot of good actors in the play........ God and Satan had big parts and did amazing with their parts. In the end everything went very smoothly and ya know some little errors, but that will always happen. We gave Jill flowers and a gift certificate to Red Lobster. Thanks for everyone who came to it (Millers and G-ma and G-pa H..)

Be Thankful...........

This is something my Dad got from somewhere and hung it up in our school room so, I thought I might share it with you.

"Be thankful...... for the mess to clean after a party because it means you have been surrounded by friends."

"Be thankful....... for the clothes you wear that fit a little to snug because it means you have enough to eat"

"Be thankful........ for the lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, gutters that need fixing because it means you have a home."

"Be thankful....... for the spot you find at the end of the parking lot because it means you are able to walk."

"Be thankful........ for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means your loved ones are close by."

"Be thankful........ for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hour because it means that you are alive."

I you are a kid like me make your own (because most of these refer to adults) like this one.....

Be thankful....... for the clothes that disappear from your closet because you know your sister (brother doesnt fit this one that well) is having fun somewhere and she feels beautiful.

Make your own and write them on the comments.

Be thankful.... for the...............................because it means...........................

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On The Job

This soccer season my Dad is coaching the EMHS JV girls soccer team. This year since I am getting homeschooled he asked me to be his manager. Yesterday, was my first day on the job. Even though he coachs the JV team he has 6th, 7th and 8th graders on his team and that is it. So some of my friends are on the team mostly 7th graders. I also get 5o$ to help out. Well I'll tell you what I have to do...... I have to fill waterbottles, get balls and pennies. Then at the practice I fill in if there is not enough players (which I think is not so pretty) and put cones up and shag balls. I like to do this because I am around people and I fell like I am useful!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reading for Lent at Church! AHHHH

For lent the Jr. and Sr. youth group have to read a reader's theater each Sunday and guess what I have to do it this Sunday. Well, I am not exactly excited about it, okay so I really, really don't like to speak in front of people at ALL! So I am kinda flipping out about it. And I just found out a couple days ago that I have double the parts, because my youth pastor couldn't find anyone else to do it (there was 4 parts) . My friend Kayla is doing the other part. My dad gave me some pointers so I am working on it. Emily and my parents think I will be good, but I really don't think I will. I have no idea what makes me think I'm not a good speaker, maybe because I started off a bad reader and I don't like being in front of people although, I can sing or play an instrument. I am not sure about it. This is what the Readers Theater.........

Kayla: Abram knew the darkness. Carcasses, birds of prey, childlessness, smoking fire pots and flaming torches.

Me: David knew the darkness. Evildoers seeking to devour his flesh. Armies encamped around him. False witnesses slandering his name.

Kayla: Jesus knew the darkness. Rulers seeking death. Knowledge of what was coming. An unwilling brood refusing the safety of his wingspan.

Me: We know the darkness. Worshiping our bellies, we revel in what is shameful; we think only of ourselves

All: And this darkness is deep and terrifying

Kayla: But God covenanted with Abram: "Your descendants shall be like the stars in the sky, and I shall give you this great land, from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates."

Me: And God sheltered David: "I will conceal you under the cover of my tent and hide you in the days of trouble."

Kayla: And God loves Jesus: "This is my beloved son. With him I am well pleased."

Me: And God transforms us: "Leave your shame. I will empower you to become more like me-glorious!"

Doesn't seem that hard, but I hope I don't become a nervous wreak! Please pray for me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter Jam and an Awesome Weekend

The concert was so AWESOME!!!!!!!! Me and Emily got to have friends over to go to a concert in Charlottesville. I took my lifelong friend Sylvia and Emily brought her friend Kiara. We went with our youth group. We left at about 3:00 and got to Charlottesville at 4:00 and the doors opened at around 4:45. The line was really long when we got there, but our smart youth pastor cut in line. It took about 10 minutes to get to our seats once the doors opened. Plus we got really good seats, we were lucky, because once the concert started the whole John Paul Jones Arena was filled up! It was really fun to have Sylvia there! The groups playing were like Third Day, Newsboys, Newsong, 10th Avenue North, and some ones that were new. I liked Third Day the best. Everyone was dancing and clapping and singing so by the end everyone was whopped! Then Sylvia and Kiara spent the night and went to church with us! We had about an hour or 2 to rest after they left before play practice. I'm not in the play, but I am in charge of the costumes and props! I didn't do much except prompted people during the practice, but after I got all the costumes and props together and ended up staying until 7:00 when it was supposed to end at 5:30, but I like doing that kind of stuff so it was fun! And now I am really tired, but that is okay, because I was doing things I liked doing.

Monday, February 15, 2010

2 Straight Weeks of No School

Okay, so I know your thinking what they are homeschooled, how are they off for 2 weeks???? We actually get off of school when Anya gets off school which is a lot! So this is how it goes, two weeks ago (Saturday) we got about 6 inches that kept us out until Wednesday with a couple little snowfalls. Then Thursday they would have gone to school but, we had a teacher workday! Then Friday the big humongous snowstorm came and that kept us out for 1 whole week!!!!!!!!!!!!Yesterday, we had church for the first time in two weeks!!! Today was our first day completely back to work but we had a two hour delay. So ya know we thought we were gonna at least get 5 hrs. of school, but no it just started to snow and Anya is home again after get out at 1:30! After saying all this we did have a little bit of school during last week! I think almost everybody is just saying stop to the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After emailing a couple people they were saying it should just magically disappear, and then turn into spring!!!!!!!! That is the weather and comments going around Harrisonburg! I still think snow is okay! I am just waiting until we can get back to normal schedule, and GREEN grass!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making Supper Every Tuesday Night

Every Tuesday night for the past month I have been making supper! Emily makes supper on Monday nights and Dad on Friday so mom doesn't have to cook on the nights she gets home late. So I usually wait until Tuesday afternoon to decide what to make so it is something quick. I have made Broccoli Cheese Soup, Enchiladas and some other stuff. So last night I kept putting off looking through the cookbook, but finally at lunch time I gave in and looked through one of mom's cookbooks. I thought about doing Haystacks and Lasagna but I decided not to make(there were other factors hint hint sisters opinion) them, instead I made a Pizza Casserole. All we needed from the store was Pepperonis, and mom was going to the store so she could pick them up, so at 4:30 I went to work. I browned the meat and cooked the noodles. Then I added mushrooms and some other things that go with pizza and garlic salt and oregano. I have to give some credit to my mom she added some spices to make it take a little better! We had applesauce and green beans for sides. For dessert we had snow ice cream ( since we have a lot to use) and fudge sauce that Mom made at the last second! I guess it was really good or wasn't as filling because my mom had second helpings (of the pizza casserole) along with everybody else and that almost never happens.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everything is Turning into SNOW!!!!

This is just outside our back porch!

We have got a ton of snow! I went out this morning and it was up past my knees! We had to make a path for Jessie to get from one porch to another because it is up to her head almost. I was IMing my friend and she said at there place it was up to their thighs and still snowing. We got to let Jessie in the house cause of the snow! Mom and Dad are walking over to Chad and Carmen's house (our neighbors) to get Anya who spent the night there after sledding! Here is just a few more pictures of the snow storm that is shattering records of snowfall.

These is our cars covered in snow!!

This is looking out right beside our barn.

This is the tree right by our front porch.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow, Snow and More Snow!

In December it snowed about a foot and a half, and for Virginia we thought that was a lot! I love the snow, but some people in Virginia aren't quite as crazy about all of it, and now this weekend we are supposed to get 20-28 inches of snow! Everything here is closed! i dont think any schools are still open even colleges are getting closed! This weekend we were supposed to go to my aunt's house and spend the weekend there so at the last minute the trip was canceled. One of Emily's friend said that on/by Febuary 28th we will get 5 ft. of snow! I'm not sure if that is the total amout of snow we have had or five feet actually on the ground. I guess I'd be happy with either. We have about 5 inches on the ground right now so the passed 2 days we went sledding on the big hill beside our neighbor Leo's house ( it is a field that the old order farmer owns.) It is the best! I can't wait to go again! Here is a picture of the weather right now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Visit to David Kline

I know, I know this is a long overdue post. David Kline is an Amish man who is the author of two books, Scratching the Woodchuck and Great Possessions. The visit to David's place was amazing! I learned a lot and enjoyed the time being with him at his house. It was just cool to listen to him talk with his German accent. He talked about nature and Anabaptist history with my dad. We mostly listened, but Emily brought up her favorite quote of his "a faint tinge of skunk," and he knew exactly what she was talking about. He even went on to tell us that it sometimes is fox when it is just a faint tinge. He had his wood stove going and his wife came in and had a rack for clothes close by and hung up the wash and turned a heat powered fan toward them! He has a chest full of books and a closet filled with books and two whole bookshelves full of books! I like to read, but that is a lot of books. Reading his book and then seeing him in person was cool. Plus, I think reading the book made me enjoy the visit a lot more. It was funny, because our Sunday School teacher said you have to remember to tell your dad that field trips are for you and Emily too not just him, but I think I liked it almost as much as he did (actually liking it as much as him is pretty hard to match.) David was a very kind and easy to talk to person (although I didn't talk to him as much.)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Break

For Christmas this year we stayed home for Christmas Day. Then we went to Ohio (my mom's side) on the 26th and stayed there for about 3 days. We got to go snowmobiling in the field! I love to go by myself and fast. When your the driver the wind is blocked by the wind shield, but when you are the passenger you get all the wind in your face! Emily rode with me and she likes to be in control so she wanted me to go really slow.... Boring! We also got to go to a pool with a game room! I beat my mom in Air Hockey (7 to 6) and if you know my mom and me (we are both very competitive) that was huge accomplishment for me... she will never hear the end of that. We left for Indiana (Dad's side) in Grandpa and Grandma Helmuth's van, because we wanted some space and our Honda does not give that to us. We had the best meals....... Michigan Meatballs, Pork Loin, Pancakes, etc. We had Christmas the day we got there. We all had Barnes 'n Noble gift cards so we went to Barnes 'n Noble and got books then we got some Annie Anne's pretzels! Our cousins have a video camera so we did a talk show ( I wasn't in it much because I'm not a good actress!) The four oldest slept down in the basement which was awesome because we can pretty much stay up as long as we want to. We went to Ohio for the night so we wouldn't have to travel the whole way in one day. We got home yesterday at 4:00. Now we settle in for 4 days then Emily, Anya, Dad and I are going to Ohio for a week, while my G-ma and G-pa H. are going on Mennonite Disaster Service Project.